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Armor Premium Ceramic Grease provides powerful protection against wear and corrosion. This product has effective resistance against acids, leaches, cold water, and hot water. It’s compatible universally with all parts. This product Premium Ceramic Grease stops cold welding and freezing and it’s perfect for protecting your parts.

Area of Applications

Apply this Armor product Premium Ceramic Grease in the Brake system in your vehicle in all moving parts, connecting parts, and adjusting parts. This product is applicable in ESP systems, ABS Brake systems, and ASR. It stops the damage of bearings, sliding brackets, screw couplings and plug connections, and protects them against wear. Premium Ceramic Grease provides care and treatment on the machines and parts.


Depends on the application.


  • Powerful protection against wear and corrosion.
  • Effective resistance against acids, leaches, cold water, and hot water.


Before applying, make sure that the parts that you want to be treated are clean. Then, apply the protection paste with a brush. This product shouldn’t be applied on brake pads and brake discs.

Our Packaging Sizes

  • 200ml