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Armor Adhesive Grease Spray is a Fully-Synthetic Adhesive Lubricants that provides a Long-Lasting centrifugal and superior protection to resist the high pressure that repels water. It’s for all types of Joints, Hinges, Chains, and more. it withstands heat and salt, protects against corrosion and wear. It has water resistance properties.


Around 5 – 10 applications.

Reaction Time

Performs Enduringly.


  • Armor Adhesive Grease Spray is Excellently Suitable to Lubricate motorbikes and bicycle.
  • Suitable for lubricating the exposed parts like wires, cables, chains, gearboxes, belts, construction machinery and cranes.


Please shake the can properly before using it. Clean the sphere before conducting and then spray constantly towards the areas that will be lubricated.

Our Packaging Sizes

  • 400ml