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    Engaging Customers With Digital Solutions

    Digital Solutions for Consumers, Distributors, and Retailers by Armor Lubricants.

    Social Media to Engage Customers

    Oil and gas companies are using social media for everything from recruitment to advertising to announcing new initiatives and even damage control.

    An Accenture-Microsoft study found that 75% of oil and gas professionals appreciate social media and collaboration tools. In comparison to last year, there was an 83% increase.

    To create a digital ecosystem for consumers, distributors, and retailers, Armor Lubricants has introduced digital solutions for each channel. By investing in advertising campaigns targeted at younger generations, Armor Lubricants hopes to reach a broader audience through social media.

    In What Ways Does Social Media Benefits Us?


    A majority of people keep up-to-date on oil and lubricants news and information using social media. Armor Lubricants learned more about potential customers as we shared content about ourselves.

    An Active Engagement

    By encouraging two-way communication, social media created and strengthened communities. Our social media accounts were used not only for sharing content but also to engage with our networks, promote Armor Lubricants and industry events, and invite followers to participate in discussions.

    Recognition of a Brand

    In addition to your logo and tagline, our brand encompasses much more. By using social media, Armor Lubricants Manufacturer in UAE have been able to demonstrate to consumers and distributors how we are different from other oil and gas companies.

    Digital Solutions on Armor Lubricants

    Contribution to Industry Alliance

    Due to the capital intensity of the industry and the energy imbalance between markets, armor lubricants work over a wide geographic area. We have offshore clients and universal demand for our product. Social media provided the right platform to extend the reach of our organization globally without any constraints, enabling us to build relationships with our clients globally. Through social media platforms, Armor Lubricants shares industry knowledge engages with customers and engages in industry discussions.

    Serving as an Educational Tool

    The purpose of Armor Lubricants company’s social media presence is to promote our blogs and provide customer education. Additionally, our audience can get quick news snippets via the microblogging platform Twitter.

    Localize Our Message

    While Armor Lubricants Manufacturer is global, most of our projects are local. There are a number of different regulations, supply issues, and environmental concerns in every country, state, and region. Through this diversity, we share content with our followers and participate in discussions.

    In Conclusion

    Communication with the wider public is an important part of Armor Lubricant Manufacturer Social media strategy. Being transparent and open with them about their concerns.

    Over the years, our Armor Lubricants has developed deeper relationships, cleared up facts and built trust with the community using social media. We aim to increase brand awareness, traffic growth, lead generation, sales, customer service, and information sharing. By responding to market needs, competing, and remaining on top of market.

    +971 52 977 6000