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    Decoding the Secrets to Perfect Motorcycle Engine Oil Selection


    Can I use Regular Car Oil in a Motorcycles?

    Motorcycle Engine Oil vs. Car Oil Ultimate Guide

    Every engine, whether it is a motorcycle engine, or a car engine requires lubricant oil. Lubricants are necessary for Automobiles to reduce heat, enable smoother movement, and protect the engine. A recent survey showed that more than half of motorcycle owners do not use motorcycle engine oil for their bikes. Instead, they use regular car engine oil.

    Before you ask “Can I put any oil in my motorcycle?” or “Can I use car oil in a motorcycle” you should wonder if they are the same. Are car engine oil and motorcycle engine oil the same? Are they made the same way with similar components? The answer is definitely no.

    Both car engine oil and engine oil for motorcycles are designed for different engine types with distinct materials. Using car engine oil in your motor will cause the engine to break down faster.

    So now, getting back to the main question. Can I put any oil on my motorcycle? No, you can’t. You need to use the engine oil that is designed specifically for your engine. Unless you do not mind having your engine broken down.

    What is the Difference Between Motorcycle Engine Oil and Car Engine Oil?

    Now, we all can agree that not every engine oil is equal, especially when it comes to comparing car engine oil and motorcycle engine oil. in recent years, motorcycle manufacturers have been making bikes in a way that has the same lubricant used for lubricating the engine, the clutches, and the transmission gears.

    Engine oil composes of base oil and additives in different percentages. Best engine oil for Motorcycles contains certain lubricant additives to provide:

    • Improved engine performance at high speeds
    • Enhanced protection of the moving parts in the transmission system
    • Enhanced clutch response to prevent clutch slipping

    The additives in the car engine oil include friction modifiers to adjust the friction between the surfaces of the engine to a lower level. Lubricating the clutches with an oil that can reduce the friction dramatically, can cause the clutch to slip. Clutch slippage can be dangerous and may cause severe damage if happens while driving your motorcycle.

      Types of Motorcycle Engine Oil

      >Engine oils compose of two main components, base oil, and additives. Base oil is the basis of the lubrication and cooling process and the additives are included to adjust the properties. We have three distinct motorcycle engine oils, each formulated with a different base oil type to cater to diverse riding styles and engine needs.

      • Mineral engine oil
      • Semi-synthetic engine oil
      • Fully synthetic engine oil

      Mineral engine oil

      Mineral engine oil is widely known as regular or conventional engine oil. Mineral base oil is one of the products of crude oil refinement. Mineral oil is cheap and commonly used in automotive engine oils. Mineral engine oil is a good option for motorcycles with small-capacity engines. These engines do not enforce huge mechanical pressure thus, they do not require premium engine fluids.

      Mineral engine oil offers good performance but for a shorter period of time. Since it is cheaper, many bikers prefer to use mineral engine oil and then change the oil more frequently.

        Fully synthetic engine oil

        As the name suggests, full synthetic engine oil is made in the laboratory. Making the oil in the labs reduces the presence of impurities. Fully synthetic oil is the most expensive type of engine oil for motorcycles. It provides excellent performance for longer periods.

        Semi-synthetic engine oil

        Semi-synthetic engine oil is a blend of synthetic oils and mineral oil. It stands in the middle in terms of quality and performance. To make semi-synthetic engine oil, mineral and synthetic oil are blended in different ratios. Depending on the ratio, the price and the quality are determined.

        Discover Armor Lubricants’ 4 stroke engine oil for motorcycles, specially formulated for optimal engine protection, enhanced performance, and an exceptional riding experience.


        Motorcycles require proper care and maintenance to keep them working smoothly on the road. Motorcycles are safer on the road when the engine is properly maintained. Make sure you choose the best motorcycle engine oil for your engine protection and performance.

        If you’re looking for the best 4-stroke bike engine oil, Armor Lubricants has specially formulated bike oil for increased power, smoother rides, and extended engine life. Don’t settle for anything less, experience the Armor difference!

        Choosing the Right Motorcycle Oil: A Visual Guide

        Infographics Motorcycle Engine Oil vs Car Engine Oil

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