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Outboard Engine Oil

Outboard Engine Oil

Introducing our premium 2-stroke outboard oil, the ultimate solution for keeping your 2-stroke engines running smoothly and efficiently. Our advanced formula is specifically designed to provide superior lubrication and protection for high-performance engines.

Our 2 stroke outboard oil is versatile and can be used in a variety of applications, including dirt bikes, ATVs, chainsaws, and more. With our advanced formula, you can be confident that your engine is well-protected and operating at its best.

Our two stroke oil is formulated to resist high temperatures and reduce engine deposits, helping to extend the life of your engine and reduce the risk of costly repairs. It provides excellent lubrication and helps reduce friction, ensuring your engine runs smoothly and efficiently.

Our 2 stroke engine oil is also environmentally friendly. Our formula is biodegradable and contains no harmful chemicals, making it safe for use around people, pets, and plants.

Using our 2 stroke oil is easy. Simply add it to your fuel at the recommended ratio for your engine. With our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, you can trust that you’re getting the best 2 stroke oil from the leading 2 stroke engine oil manufacturer in uae.

Contact Armor Lubricants Manufacturer in UAE and experience the benefits of our advanced 2 stoke formula for yourself.

Armor at a Glance

  • 10 Million Liters production capacity
  • ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 45001, API, ESMA, OEM Certified Company
  • 1000 MT Base oil storage tank capacity
  • 4 Blending tanks
  • 4 Filling tanks
  • 4000 sq meters Factory Size
  • 58+ Countries we export

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