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Armor AC Disinfectant Spray kills all of the Bacteria, Spores, and micro organisms of the AC system. It ensures extreme protection against the regeneration of the min a long-life term inside the ventilation ducts of the AC system unit. By using modern technology, this product is well designed and developed to help you have a healthy and clean air.

Area of Applications

This Product is especially designed for easy and fast ac system disinfection and cleaning units in hotels, rooms, clinics & medical centers, airports, industrial building and more.


One application: 250 ml.


Safely use biocides.
Always read the label and product instruction and information before use. This product contains 0.5 g / 100g of N-Alkyl (C12-16) -N,
N-dimethyl-N-benzylammonium chloride.  Reg. No. N-54888

Hazard Statement

This product is an Extremely flammable aerosol and it’s a pressurized container (May burst if heated).

Precautionary Statement

Keep the product container or label in hand when medical consultation is required. Keep the product out of children reach. Keep the product away from hot surfaces, heated places, sparks, open flames, and other explosive / ignition sources. No smoking. Don’t spray the product on ignition sources and open flames. Don’t pierce or burn even if it is after using. Keep it out of sunlight reach. Don’t expose it to high temperatures that exceed 50C/122F. Dispose this material and its container to special waste and hazardous collection point.

Reaction Time

1 minute estimated.


Shake the can well. Before using this product, switch off the AC system. From an estimated distance of 10 cm, spray the product into the air vent ducts. If you want to refresh and disinfect the climate of the area, spray the product infrequently allover the air-conditioned area in short blasts. It’s recommended to apply twice a month.

Our Packaging Sizes

  • 250ml