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Armor Diesel Air Intake Cleaner Spray is a premium car care product effectively removes harmful deposits and carbon buildup from your diesel engine’s intake system. This air intake cleaner enhances engine performance, increase fuel efficiency, and reduces emissions.

Area of Applications

Armor diesel air intake cleaner Spray is applicable for all diesel-powered engines. Using this product in diesel engines with particulate filter, turbo, and catalytic converter is recommended.


400ml is sufficient for 1 or 2 applications.

Reaction Time

20 seconds estimated.


  • Restores Engine Performance by removing harmful deposits and carbon buildup.
  • Improves fuel efficiency by optimizes airflow
  • Reduces emissions
  • Easy to use for quick and effective cleaning.


While the engine is running, spray this product diesel air intake cleaner into the diesel engine air intake system by inserting the nozzle at the joint point between the air intake filter and the intake manifold. Keep the engine running at 2,000 rpm constantly spray the product into the air intake system. In rough engine conditions spray in short bursts. This diesel air intake cleaner must not be filled into the diesel tank.

Our Packaging Sizes

  • 400ml