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Armor Petrol Air intake cleaner spray is a powerful premium car care product formulated to thoroughly cleans petrol engine’s air intake system, ensuring a smooth and enhanced engine performance. This air intake system cleaner​ improves airflow, enabling your engine to perform efficiently at its peak.

Area of Applications

This petrol air intake system cleaner is applicable for all petrol-powered engines. Apply this product to clean the Valves, Throttle Valves, Carburetors, Combustion Chambers, and more.


Depends on application.

Reaction Time

Reacts during application.


  • Boost engine’s efficiency.
  • Reduces carbon deposits that can clog and slow engine performance.
  • Achieves better fuel economy.
  • Reduces emissions.
  • Enhances smoother driving experience.
  • Extends engines lifespan.


Start the Engine and let it warm up and run, while the engine is running, spray this product air intake system cleaner into the petrol engine air intake system. If the engine is running stably, spray into the air intake pipe in one shot. If the engine is not running stably, spray into the air intake pipes in short blasts.
(Note- During application, the engine must run at between 2500 to 3000 revs per minute.)

Our Packaging Sizes

  • 500ml