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- The Impact of Engine Oil on Fuel Efficiency and Emissions
Relationship Between Engine Oil and Fuel Efficiency
Go to your search engine and type “does engine oil increase fuel efficiency” and you will get confusing results. Some answers will say no while others will say yes. To settle the case, we will tell you how can fuel economy be related to car oil.
Before we talk about this subject let us review how the engine work. When you turn on the engine, fuel is burned inside creating a high volume of gases that expand and move the piston up. At the same time, other pistons move down after the gases are released. The alternation of the movement transforms the energy from fuel to the shaft.
Fuel efficiency is the percentage of the energy transformed to the wheels on the total energy generated from burning fuel. Here is how engine oil can impact this percentage:
Car motor oil creates a thin film of oil between the moving parts. This layer overcomes the resistance thus enabling smoother movements.
Engine cleanliness
Chemicals in engine oil clean the engine and prevent sludge from building up. Sludge can clog the oil passages and impair moving parts’ movements.
Engine oil plays a part in cooling down the engine. High temperatures expand gases in the engine further. The excess volume of gas gets expelled from the engine along with a certain amount of energy.
Back to the question, does engine oil improve fuel economy? the answer is that it does not increase the fuel economy of the engine, but it prevents it from going down.
Relationship Between Engine Oil and Car Emissions
Carbon dioxide, water vapor and the other byproducts of fuel incineration are naturally released into the air when the engine works. However, these emissions may suggest there is a problem with the car. Increase and reduction of the emissions can suggest a problem and here is how it can be related to car oil.
Reduced emissions
A variety of problems can decrease car emissions. Friction between the moving parts can be one of the main reasons. Increased friction can impair movement; therefore, the car motor produces fewer gases.
Increased emissions
The most common two causes for increased emissions are, engine overheating, and wear and tear due to lack of lubrication.
How Different Engine Oils Affect the Emissions?
Now that you know that engine oil has an impact on emissions, it is reasonable to ask does this impact changes based on the type of oil. well, the answer is definitely yes. Changing the engine oil will alter the emissions in several ways. the effect will include the amount of gas formed, and the particles included in the emissions.
Conventional oil effect on emissions
Mineral motor oil is made from base oils prepared from refining crude oil. the purity of the base oil depends on how much it is refined. Impurities can blog the oil tubes increasing the emissions. Viscosity on the other hand plays a role, mineral oil has a higher VI which means that it can further increase the emissions.
Synthetic engine oil effect on the emissions
Synthetic engine oils are made in the labs instead of refining crude oil. producing the oil in the lab produces fewer impurities, therefore, the engine will remain clean. Low VI is another property that is common in synthetic oils. Low VI is better for fuel economy and reduces emissions.
How Emissions Impact Us?
Taking emissions into consideration while choosing the engine oil does not benefit your car, but the environment. Car emissions pollute the air and increase the levels of carbon dioxide in the air. Carbon dioxide is one of the major greenhouse gases. Increasing carbon dioxide increases the effect of global warming and climate change.
Emissions may cause some health problems for you and others around you. When you drive a car with bad emissions you are breathing the gases it produces. It is not only you. Others, including your children, your parents, and everyone around you as well. The gases may have hazardous substances that can cause health problems and respiratory diseases.
Consider all the properties of the engine oil before you buy it for your car. Choosing the correct car engine oil is not good for your car, it is good for your family and neighbours too.
Furthermore, it is an investment for a better future for the next generations. However, you need to keep in mind that you should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations because synthetic is not always the best option.