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    5 Reasons Demand is Increasing for Wind Turbine Lubricants


    wind turbine lubricants growth demand

    Five Reason Demand is Increasing for Wind Turbine Lubricants

    • Growth in Wind Energy Sector
    • Need for Efficient Operation and Maintenance
    • Increasing Size and Complexity of Wind Turbines
    • Regulatory Requirements

    Key Roles of Oil for Wind Turbines

    Lubrication Oil in wind turbines is needed to lubricate the moving parts reducing friction and wear.

    Heat Dissipation oil helps to carry away this heat, preventing overheating and potential damage to the components.

    Corrosion Protection Turbine Oils have additives that help protect metal surfaces from corrosion which is especially important in offshore wind turbines.

    Noise Reduction It can minimize operational noise by reducing friction which can be a significant issue for wind turbines.

    Shock Absorption Oil can also provide a degree of shock absorption in gearbox systems protecting gears from impact damage.

    Contaminant Removal The oil helps to carry away contaminants from the system keeping the system properly functioning.

    Explore the Different Types of Turbine Oils

    Gear Oils

    Need to withstand high pressures, resist oxidation, and protect against wear and corrosion and should contain specific additives to enhance their performance

    Hydraulic Oils

    Hydraulic fluids transmit power within the hydraulic systems used in wind turbines, such as the blade pitch control system

    Main Bearing Oils

    Lubricate the main bearings, which support the weight of the rotor and blades


    Often used in various locations, including the yaw and pitch bearings and the generator bearings

    Transformer Oils

    These are used in the wind turbine’s transformer, where they act as both a coolant and an electrical insulator. Transformer oils need to resist thermal degradation and have excellent dielectric properties.

    Wind Turbine MARKET Projections

    2020 Global wind turbine market size of 98.71$ Billion

    2021 Global wind turbine market size of 115.67$ Billion

    2028 Global wind turbine market size of 152$ Billion

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