Benefits of using Armor Lubricants coolant and antifreeze for your vehicle:
Longer engine life – Armor Lubricants coolant and antifreeze is designed to protect your engine from rust and corrosion. This can help to extend the life of your engine and prevent costly repairs.
Improved fuel economy – Armor Lubricants coolant and antifreeze can help to improve fuel economy by reducing friction in the engine. This can save you money on fuel costs over time.
Reduced emissions – Armor Lubricants coolant and antifreeze can help to reduce emissions by keeping the engine running smoothly. This can help to protect the environment and improve air quality.
Better protection in extreme temperatures – Armor Lubricants coolant and antifreeze is designed to protect your engine in extreme temperatures. It can prevent your engine from overheating in hot weather and freezing in cold weather.
Easy to use – Armor Lubricants coolant and antifreeze is easy to use. It is pre-mixed and ready to use, so you don’t have to mix it yourself.
Extended life – Armor Lubricants coolant and antifreeze is an extended life coolant, which means that it can last up to 5 years. This can save you money on coolant and antifreeze changes over time.
Made with high-quality ingredients – Armor Lubricants coolant and antifreeze is made with high-quality ingredients, including ethylene glycol and OAT (organic acid technology) additives. These ingredients help to protect your engine from rust, corrosion, and overheating.
Meets OEM specifications – Armor Lubricants coolant and antifreeze meets or exceeds OEM specifications for most vehicles. This means that you can be confident that it is the right coolant for your vehicle.
Armor at a Glance
10 MillionLiters production capacity
ISO 14001, ISO 9001, ISO 45001, API, ESMA, OEMCertified Company