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Armor Engine Nano Shield is a premium car care product designed to protects all the interior surfaces and areas of your engines and tools such as oil systems, seals, O-rings, gearboxes and differentials, by producing a highly effective Nano Blockade in the oil. This car care product boosts the oil flow during cold temperatures and smoothly enhances the engine operation. It extends engine’s life and have high performance properties.

Area of Applications

Armor Engine Nano Shield is ideal or 4-Stroke and Marine Engines, Differentials and Manual Gears. Suitable for frequent rail, as well as pump injector, fuel systems, turbo-charged engines, catalytic converters, and DPF filters.


Mixing Ratio: 1:15 5L of Oil – 300ml is appropriate.

Reaction Time

Performs during the procedure.


  • Boosts the oil's flow
  • Develops engines performance.
  • Extends engines lifespan.
  • Advanced anti-wear protection.


Add this car care product to the oil systems after each change of oil. Recommended to clean the oil system with oil system cleaner before using. Make sure to observe the ultimate quantity. Apply at ratio 1:10 in power steering systems, manual transmissions and differentials.

Important: Check the Manufacturer’s Instructions when Applying in Vehicles with wet clutch.

Our Packaging Sizes

  • 300ml