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Armor Nano Air Intake System Cleaner is the new generation of our premium car care product made specifically for petrol and diesel engines air intake system. It’s made for use in fuel injection systems and exhaust gas recirculation or EGR. This product cleans the whole system thoroughly beginning from the air through the exhaust of petrol and diesel engines. This air intake cleaner can only be applied with injection and exhaust system cleaning device. This product eliminates even heavy and large deposits without damaging any sensitive parts or materials.

Area of Applications

Armor Nano Air Intake System Cleaner is applicable for cleaning the entire air intake systems and the combustion chambers of petrol and diesel engines.


375ml for each application.

Reaction Time

Reacts during application.


  • Cleans the entire air intake system during application fully and effectively.
  • Makes the engine run faster and smoother, and significantly decreases the fuel consumption and exhaust emissions.
  • Elimates heavy and large deposits
  • Protects sensitive parts from damage
  • Decreases exhaust emissions
  • Compatible with both petrol and diesel engines.
  • Ease of use.


  • Excellent in eliminating heavy and large deposits
  • Excellent protectiion for internal parts from damage.
  • Extends Engine life.


Armor Nano Air Intake System Cleaner is a premium car care product by professionals. Apply completely using air intake cleaning device. This product is applicable for all engines with oxygen sensors, fuel injection, or catalytic converters. The instructions of the cleaning device must be observed when applying.

Our Packaging Sizes

  • 375ml