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Armor Radiator Flush has the ability to clear the valves, water pumps, and thermostats. This product eliminates the operational deposits from the whole cooling system. It gets rid of fur and lime deposits which leads to outstanding protection against corrosion and rust. Applying this product boosts the lifetime and performance of the engine. It clears up the water coolers, boilers, and heat exchangers.

Area of Applications

This Product is Applicable for all cooling water circuits of Petrol and Diesel Engines and industrial equipment.


300 ml of this product is sufficient for healing the cooling systems that have 4 – 8 Liters capacity.

Reaction Time

15-40 minutes, depending on system size.


  • Dissolves the dangerous radiator sludge which leads to enhanced heating and cooling performance.


Use the product by adding it to the coolant. Then, Start the Engine and open the heating valve. Let the engine run for 10-15 minutes, then drain the system entirely and flush with fresh water. After that, refill the system with coolant observing the manufacturer’s instructions. Adding Armor Radiator conditioner is recommended.

Our Packaging Sizes

  • 300ml